Thursday, October 23, 2008

Life Cut Short

Richard Bailey, a senior majoring criminal justice and sociology, died from a single bullet to his head Monday (10/20) night on his way home at downtown Albany. The university held a candlelight service last night with the following message from the Intrime President, George Philip.

To: University at Albany Community

It is with deep regret that I inform you of the passing of Richard J. Bailey, a senior student from Wantagh, N.Y. Richard was the victim of a shooting in downtown Albany last night. We extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends, and loved ones, and no words can truly express the sadness and grief that the University community is experiencing at this time.

The sudden loss of this young member of our community is a tragedy. Tomorrow evening, a candlelight service for Richard will be held at 7 p.m. at the Campus Center small fountain. The entire campus community is encouraged to come together to attend.

We also encourage students to seek support through the University Counseling Center (442-5800 or, Middle Earth (442-5777), or Chapel House (489-8573).

As we face this terrible incident, I believe it will help us to join as a community to discuss these issues. This evening, at 6.p.m. a "Safety Forum" will be held in Campus Center 375, and I urge everyone to join the University Police and other staff from the Division of Student Success at the forum. This event was set up quickly to respond to student questions and concerns. Please know that we will schedule follow-up forums as necessary to discuss this issue.

We continue to work cooperatively with APD, who is investigating this crime, and the University Police Department is immediately strengthening its directed police patrols and presence around the downtown campus.

With my camera in hand, I attended the service. It was a really windy and chilly night, but there were around 100 people showing up. The photos I took are availabe at:

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